Saturday, 28 July 2012

Bahasa Indonesia Bukan Bahasa Malaysia

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Alasan Kuat Kenapa Bahasa Indonesia terpilih dari pada Bahasa Malaysia menjadi bahasa resmi ASEAN yang baru saja ditetapkan. (perbedaan Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Malaysia)

Ind: Kementrian Agama,
Mal: Kementrian Tak Berdosa. (Heloo \=D/?!!)

Ind: Angkatan Darat,
Mal: Laskar Hentak-Hentak Bumi. (ga asik bgt ya :s)

Ind: Angkatan Udara,
Mal: Laskar Angin-Angin. (untung ga pelangi atau laskar kentut =D)

Ind: Pasukaan Bubar Jalan,
Mal: Pasukaan Cerai Berai. (talak aja sekalian)

Ind: Merayap,
Mal: Bersetubuh dg Bumi. (apa rasanya bersetubuh dg bumi :>)

Ind: Rumah Sakit Bersalin,
Mal: Hospital Korban Lelaki. (asli NGAKAK tapi bener sih =))

Ind: Belok Kiri, Belok Kanan,
Mal: Pusing Kiri, Pusing Kanan. (minum Bodrex makanya :|)

Ind: Departemen Pertanian,
Mal: Departemen Cucuk Tanam. (yuuk marii ke mabes nyucuk tanam kakaka :p)

Ind: Gratis Bicara 30 Menit,
Mal: Percuma Berbual 30 minit. (suka2 gue dong)

Ind: Satpan/ Sekuriti,
Mal: Penunggu Maling. (ngarep bgt ya dimalingin ampe ditungguin)

Ind: Tank,
Mal: Kereta Kebal. (lo kira dari banten kale ahh.)

Ind: Kedatangan,
Mal: Ketibaan. (anehh..:/)

Ind: Rumah Sakit Jiwa,
Mal: Gubuk Gila. (udah gubuk, gila lagi.. kasiah bgt deh..)

Ind: Dokter Ahli Jiwa,
Mal: Dokter Gila. (ada yg mau disebut dokter gila? wkwkwk.. :O)

Ind: Hantu Pocong,
Mal: Hantu Bungkus. (pesen atu dong bang dibungkus, \=D/)

Ind: Toilet,
Mal: Bilik Merenung. (ampun deh.. sekalian ~o) aja gan..)

Ind: Traktor,
Mal: Setrika Bumi. (segede apa ya setrikanya? *nerd* )

Ind: Joystrik,
Mal: Batang Senang. (maksud lo? batang happy? =))

Ind: Tidur Siang,
Mal: Petang Telentang. (berarti lw tidur malem "gelap tengkurep" B))

Ind: Push Up,
Mal: Perkosa Bumi. (waahh nafsu amat)

Cowo Ganteng VS Cowo Jelek

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Inilah bedanya cowo ganteng dan cowo jelek dimata sebagian wanita

  • Kalau cowok ganteng pendiam, cewek-cewek bilang: Woow, cool banget...
  • Kalau cowok jelek pendiam, cewek-cewek bilang: Ih kuper...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng jomblo, cewek-cewek bilang: Pasti dia perfeksionis
  • Kalau cowok jelek jomblo, cewek-cewek bilang: Sudah jelas...kagak laku...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng berbuat jahat, cewek-cewek bilang: Nobody's perfect
  • Kalau cowok jelek berbuat jahat, cewek-cewek bilang:Pantes...tampangnya kriminal
  • Kalau cowok ganteng nolongin cewe yang diganggu preman, cewek-cewek bilang: Wuih, jantan...kayak di filem-filem
  • Kalau cowok jelek nolongin cewe yang diganggu preman, cewek-cewek bilang: Pasti premannya temennya dia...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng dapet cewek cantik, cewek-cewek bilang:Klop....serasi banget...
  • Kalau cowok jelek dapet cewek cantik, cewek-cewek bilang: Pasti main dukun...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng diputusin cewek, cewek-cewek bilang: Jangan sedih, khan masih ada aku...
  • Kalau cowok jelek diputusin cewek, cewek-cewek bilang:...(Terdiam, tapi telunjuknya meliuk-liuk dari atas ke bawah)
  • Kalau cowok ganteng ngaku indo, cewek-cewek bilang: Emang mirip-mirip bule sih...
  • Kalau cowok jelek ngaku indo, cewek-cewek bilang: Pasti ibunya (..sensor..), bapaknya robot...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng penyayang binatang, cewek-cewek bilang:Perasaannya halus...penuh cinta kasih
  • Kalau cowok jelek penyayang binatang, cewek-cewek bilang: Sesama keluarga emang harus menyayangi...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng bawa BMW, cewek-cewek bilang: Matching...keren luar dalem
  • Kalau cowok jelek bawa BMW, cewek-cewek bilang: Mas, majikannya mana?...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng males difoto, cewek-cewek bilang: Pasti takut fotonya kesebar-sebar
  • Kalau cowok jelek males difoto, cewek-cewek bilang: Nggak tega ngeliat hasil cetakannya ya?...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng naek motor gede, cewek-cewek bilang: Wah, kayak lorenzo lamas...bikin lemas...
  • Kalau cowok jelek naek motor gede, cewek-cewek bilang: Awas!! mandragade lewat...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng nuangin air ke gelas cewek, cewek-cewek bilang: Ini baru cowok gentlemen
  • Kalau cowok jelek nuangin air ke gelas cewek, cewek-cewek bilang:Naluri pembantu emang gitu...
  • Kalau cowok ganteng bersedih hati, cewek-cewek bilang: Let me be your shoulder to cry on
  • Kalau cowok jelek bersedih hati, cewek-cewek bilang: Cengeng amat!!!...ini laki-laki apa bukan sih?!!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Game Yang Menghina Agama Islam [Muslim Wajib Tau]

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Game-Game Yang Menghina Agama Islam [Muslim Wajib Tau]

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Kali ini saya akan share kepada sobat semuanya mengenai Game Yang Menghina Islam. Saya sebagai salah satu dari berjuta umat islam di dunia, merasa memiliki kewajiban untuk menyampaikan berita ini . Game adalah salah satu hiburan yang sangat dan sangat digemari orang , apalagi remaja dan anak-anak. tapi tanpa kita sadari, lewat permainan game tersebut kita telah di jajah oleh orang kafir. dijajah dalam hal waktu, yang bisa membuat kita lupa sholat, dijajah dalam hal keimanan melalui game.

Orang-orang kafir secara tidak langsung menghipnotis kita, agar kita tertarik dengan apa yang kita mainkan, dan lama-kelamaan kita menggilainya, bahkan merasa bahwa apa yang dimainkan tersebut adalah nyata. Ok sob , ini ada beberapa game yang mungkin secara sengaja atau tidak telah menghina islam . Saya sangat prihatin sob , karena game-game ini justru game yang disukai remaja dan anak-anak islam, bahkan saya mengaku dengan jujur, pernah memainkan game ini dan sempat menggilainya "Ya Allah Ampun ya Allah ''. ini sob daftar game-gamenya :

Nah Game ini belum pernah saya mainkan sob,secara garis besar game ini menceritakan seseorang yang bertugas untuk menentang syaitan , dan caranya adalah dengan memasuki sarang setan yang terdiri dari 12 pintu. Dan Mari kita lihat unsur penghinaanya.
Sobat bisa melihat pintu tersebut, pintu tersebut adalah jalan menuju alam setan. pertama kali saya lihat pintunya saya merasa biasa saja, tidak ada yang aneh. dan setelah saya bandingkan dengan gambar yang ini...
Sobat tau ini gambar apa ??? ini adalah Pintu Ka'bah,dengan sengaja pintu dalam game ini dibuat persis menyerupai pintu ka'bah. dengan maksud, tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah dengan maksud menghina kita semua umat islam, karena telah menyembah sarang setan (ka'bah). Mari kita telusuri lagi...
Sobat bisa lihat dengan JELAS , gambar yang dilingkari tersebut adalah lafadz ALLAH. Akankah sobat semua terima dengan penghinaan ini, kalau saya sangat tidak terima sob...
lanjut ke game berikutnya :

Game garapan EA Games ini juga belum pernah saya mainkan sob, tapi saya sering melihat anak-anak kecil memainkan game ini dengan khusu' dan serius sob , ya saya merasa maklum. namanya juga anak kecil, tapi ternyata yang membuat mereka betah memainkan game ini adalah karena mereka digoda sama setan sob. secara tidak sadar mereka sambil bermain game juga sambil ditemanin setan. makanya betah sob. game ini juga mengisahkan perlawanan terhadap setan. dan letak penghinaannya adalah di saat memasuki istana setan. terdapat lafadz Allah di dindingnya :
Gambar diatas merupakan gambar istana setan. dan sobat bisa lihat sendiri. dengan jelasssss !!! terpampang tulisan arab dan Lafadz Allah. Nauzubillah... ini seolah-olah mengatakan bahwa siapa saja yang menyembah Allah adalah sekutu setan.

Astagfirullah...semoga yang buat game ini di azab oleh Allah .Aminn !! Lanjut ke game berikutnya :

Game yang berlatar tempat di Persia atau sekarang adalah Kawasan Iran,Irak,Mesir ini secara keseluruhan memang bertemakan islam, seorang pangeran yang ceritanya membalas dendam ini memang dengan kasat mata tidak ada unsur penghinaanya terhadap islam. tapi setelah di selidiki,unsur penghinaanya adalah :
Sobat bisa lihat pedangnya pangeran dastan. bertuliskan Arab yang Artinya ''“Sebarkanlah ajaranku walau satu ayat pun” (Sabda Rasulullah SAW). lantas dimana unsur penghinaanya ??? didalam Game ini pangeran membunuh siapa saja yang menghalanginya ... dan membunuh prajurit-prajurit persia, tahukah sobat bahwa prajurit persia adalah muslim. secara tidak langsung game ini mengatakan bahwa ajaran Rasullulah yang disebarkan adalah ajaran membunuh. dan mengatakan bahwa umat islam adalah kaum barbar. Nauzubillahmindzalik..

Orang yang memainkan game ini sob , dibuat mabuk !!! seolah-olah merasakan lantunan lagu dan jingkrak-jingkrak seperti yang di game,tanpa mereka sadari .Game ini menghina islam dengan Telak dan Jelas.mari kita lihat :
Apakah sobat terima ???? kalo saya Sangat TIDAK terima. Lafadz ALLAH dengan jelas terpampang dilantai panggung dan di injak-injak.dan coba sobat lihat latar belakang panggung adalah setan-setan semua. Nauzubillah,semoga Allah yang maha perkasa menghukum dengan hukuman yang pedih :

Game yang bisa dibilang seru dan digemari remaja ini merupakan salah satu game yang menghina Islam sob, di dalam Game ini diceritakan seorang yang bertugas mengemban misi menyelamatkan dunia dari ancaman zombie (mayat hidup) dan zombie disini adalah dikategorikan jahat dan wajib di bunuh. Unsur penghinaannya sebenarnya sudah ada sejak pertama kali main, tapi yang sangat Jelas adakah saat Leon memasuki Sarang Zombie . Pintu tersebut terdapat simbol Iluminati dan pintu tersebut dibuat persis dengan pintu Pintu Omar Bin Khattab, Masjid Nabawi. Mari kita lihat :

Lambang Asli Iluminati pada pintu tersebut

Di bawah ini adalah pintu Umar Bin Khattab

Gabungan dan Unsur penghinaannya adalah :
Sangat jelas bukan??! gambar kaligrafi dari pintu umar bin khattab dibuat sama persis tanpa diubah Tulisan Kaligrafi yang Berlafadz Nabi Muhammad. dan di tindih dengan lambang iluminati .Nauzubillah...kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa sarang zombi , berpintu dengan lafadz Nabi Muhammad SAW, jadi maksud dari penghinaan ini adalah , kita semua umat islam pengikut nabi Muhammad SAW digambarkan zombie yang wajib dimusnahkan dari muka bumi. NAUZUBILLAHMINZALIK...

Ok sob , itu tadi penelusuran saya tentang Game yang Menghina Islam. mari kita musnahkan game tersebut dengan cara tidak memainkannya, saya harap setelah sobat membaca artikel ini, sobat memberitahukan kepada sobat-sobat yang lainnya yang belum tahu, sebenarnya hampir semua game memiliki unsur yang sedikit menyinggung Islam, tapi saya rasa game yang telah saya bahas ini , sangat telak dan wajib dijauhi. wajib ya sob !!!! saran saya, marilah kita menggunakan waktu dengan hal yang berguna , sebelum saya mengetahui Game-game ini menghina Islam, saya juga seorang yang suka bermain game , tapi setelah saya mengetahuinya , degan jujur saya mengatakan,saya mulai memilih-milih game untuk dimainkan.Ok sob terimakasih sudah berkunjung , semoga bermanfaat ya...


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Batman Film Studio Contribute Shooting Victims

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Just last week aired in North America, the latest Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, has earned revenues of U.S. $ 160.9 million. However, it does not make a movie producer, Warner Brothers, oblivious to the shooting incident in Colorado last week.

Aceshowbiz reported, Warner Brothers channel some of their income, which is not specified the amount, the victims of the shooting through They have submitted plans to the governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper.

CEO of Warner Brothers, Barry Meyer, also have sent an email to his employees. It contained a plea for a donation on behalf of the individual.

After receiving news of the incident that killed 12 people and injuring 58 people, the Warner Brothers released a statement of condolence. Show empathy, they also canceled the premiere in Paris.

The Dark Knight Rises director, Christopher Nolan. composer Hans Zimmer, as well as the two main stars, Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway, also said not to miss condolences.

Success with the angry birds,Rovio launched angry pigs

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Angry Birds game or the game has successfully attracted the attention of many people around the world. The game is not only attractive to children, but even adults like to play them on the sidelines of free time. I was so successful, the characters in this game has created a wide range of accessories such as key chains, bags, stickers, and so forth. In addition, the company's game developer, Rovio Angry Birds build playgrounds in Finland and the UK.

Now, there's good news for lovers of this game bird shooting. Reportedly, as reported by Gamezebo, Rovio Angry Birds game will feature a different perspective. Angry Pigs are claimed to continue the success of Angry Birds. If the Angry Birds, bird champion, the champion in the Angry Pigs is pigs.

Chief of Executive Officer (CEO) Rovio - Peter Vesterbacka said it would not make a sequel of the adventure game Angry Birds, but will give a surprising new game.
  • "We're not going to make a sequel, but we want to give a surprise to you all. No one could think of to make the idea from the standpoint of a pig," said Vesterbacka.
However, this plan is not yet certain when it will happen. This is because the Rovio has not given the news about the latest game plan.

The first U.S. female astronaut dies

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Sally Ride, first American woman to go into space, has died at the age of 61 years in La Jolla, California for 17 months after battling pancreatic cancer he suffered.

Sally became the first female U.S. astronaut after he followed the Challenger space shuttle mission in June 1983.

In addition, Sally then 32-year-old became the youngest U.S. astronaut orbiting the Earth.

Had a tennis athlete, Sally and then won at least four academic degrees including a doctorate of physics.

  • "Historic Space Mission Sally Ride became the country's attention and make it widely known to all family," declared Sally Ride Science Foundation.

Since Sally's first mission into space, until recently listed 45 female astronauts from the U.S. and other countries carrying out the mission space.

And two female astronauts are even became commander of the mission.

However, Sally Ride is not the world's first woman to orbit the Earth. The first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova of the Soviet Union in June 1963.

National hero
Meanwhile, condolences came from U.S. President Barack Obama. In a statement, Obama expressed his deep sorrow over berpulangnya Sally Ride.

  • "As a first female astronaut, Sally was a national hero and the best role models," said Obama.

Sally Ride was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He grabbed delar master's and doctoral degrees in physics at Stanford University.

According to Sally Ride Science Foundation, he became an astronaut after reading an advertisement in the student newspaper at Stanford University.

In the ad invites all NASA scientists and engineers, including women scientists, to join the unity of the astronauts.

Sally then officially joined NASA in 1978 with 34 other people get rid of more than 8,000 applicants.

In its mission to outer space, Sally served to operate a robotic arm to help build a satellite.

Always remembered

Sally Ride dan Barack Obama

Sally Ride when he met President Barack Obama in Washington DC in 2010.

Sally runs out of space missions both in 1984 and is scheduled to run third mission when Challenger exploded in 1986.

Challenger exploded just one minute after takeoff, killing the seven astronauts in it. As a result of this tragedy, the American space program to stop outside for three years.

After the tragedy, Sally became a member of the presidential commission to investigate the Challenger tragedy. He also became a member of a similar commission to investigate when Columbia exploded while returning to Earth in 2003.

  • "Sally Ride has opened barriers with grace and professionalism. And it literally changed the face of the American space program," said NASA director Charles Bolden.

  • "He will always be missed but the star will always shine brightly," Bolden added.

After leaving NASA, Sally became a professor at the University of California San Diego and a researcher at Stanford University.

In 2001 he established the Foundation launched the Sally Ride Science is science programs and publications for students. He has also written five science books for students.

  • "The fact that the American women who go into space to keep up my hopes," said Sally in an interview in 2008.

  • "I never thought about it now, but I feel very honored to have helped elect," he said.
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Vicente typhoon hit Hong Kong

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More than 100 people injured and is expressed as the storm uprooted hundreds of trees Vicente 140km/jam speed hit Hong Kong on Monday (23/7) evening local time.

The local government provides hurricane warnings to the highest level is level 10 for the first time since 1999, when it reached Hong Kong Vocente start at midnight.

On Tuesday (24/7) early warning level 10 and then lowered to a level of eight when hurricane winds weaken and Vicente began moving toward the southern coast of China.

Despite the threat of hurricanes has passed, the government of Hong Kong permanent residents to remain vigilant request.

  • "Although Vicente have started to leave Hong Kong and began to weaken, but the threat of high winds off the coast and in the highlands there is still accompanied by rain," said the Hong Kong Observatory.

  • "Citizens are expected to remain vigilant," continued the statement.

effects of hurricane
At least 600 trees were uprooted and building fragments flying into the middle of the street when people come home from work each on Monday night.

Strong winds also caused ferry services, bus and trains disrupted and delayed. Port must be closed and 44 passenger aircraft with regional goals delayed.

On the whole Hong Kong was forced to postpone the schedule at least 270 flights.

Hong Kong stock exchange is also affected by the storm and was forced to postpone the opening of markets on Tuesday until the government declared the situation safe enough for residents to go to work.

Schools and a number of health facilities were also closed until further notice. Even in the five areas were reported flooded.

A total of 120 people received medical treatment and 15 of them have to stay in the hospital.

In addition as many as 250 people remain displaced in places that are considered safe.

In fact, 100 people were forced to stay at the railway station under the orders of Tai Wai since Monday night due to disrupted rail services.

Overclockers Indonesia Sets World Record

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Overclocker from Indonesia with the nickname Hazzan managed to carve a new record in the world of graphics cards. Configuration with 4-Way SLI GeForce GTX 680 he broke the previous record held by Hong Kong overclocker.

What was done by Hazzan is quite remarkable, he managed to push the GTX 680 to 1706 MHz for the GPU and memory speeds driven up close to 7200 MHz effective. Extraordinary.

Systems used to support four graphics cards frightening it is also not kidding. Hazzan using the Core i7-3930K is to overclock to 5784 MHz, 8 GB GSkill quad-channel DDR3 2480 MHz, High Current Power Supply Antec Pro 1300W, and the mainboard ASUS Rampage Extreme IV. While for CPU cooling using liquid nitrogen.
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As a result, the test 3DMark 11 Hazzan managed to obtain a number P33190. About 39 points higher than the previous record held by Hong Kong overclock, J-Lin.

Hazzan's name is now in the world's top overclockers database sites such HWBOT, past all the other participants from various countries.

Looking for submitting the HWBOT:

While the website futeremark

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